They are an extraordinary society–here to show us magic, good intention, and our conditioning.

Sit among them–have dinner and hear their stories.

Allow people to free their stories, tell stories, be heard. They came to assist me in this–honest, loving, with integrity and faith–this home that I have opened the doors to–where they are educated souls that are willing to support–care–and show me the ways I can be my best. And through this particular act I am able to birth them and share with people–that perhaps encourages people the possibility to do great things.

They are a society that came to assist in our transformation. It is a miracle to witness their existence and a honor to birth them. To see, feel, and hear their stories–and be able to share it with you.

3 steps to attend a dinner

  • Step 1

    Be subscribed to email list

  • Step 2

    Stay tuned for invitation

  • Step 3

    RSVP using link in invitation

Adopt a society

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